Mecial Legal Examinations
Two of the most highly regulated fields where justice is the central principle,
and the medical field where life and limb hang are important. These two fields merge to what we know as the “medico-legal” field or Medical-Legal representatives you can read more bout this here…
Medical-legal examinations can be divided into two sectors – medical law and medical jurisprudence. Medical law focuses mostly on the legal implications of practicing medicine while medical jurisprudence is the focus of Expedient Medicolegal Services. Medical Negligence is another topic that can be very tricky you can read more about that here…
Medical Jurisprudence.
Medical jurisprudence applies medical knowledge to legal problems. Cases that fall under medico-legal practice require independent medical evaluations and expert testimony in order to prove a case. Independent, non-biased doctors are called in to evaluate a patient’s claims, injuries, medical history. Medical experts then provide fact-based reports on the cause and severity of a person’s injuries as well as any short- and long-term effects these injuries may have on their future.
Types of Medico-legal Cases
The most common times when a medico-legal expert is called are:
- In worker’s compensation cases when the cause and severity of an injury need to be determined.
- In medical cases where level and type of disability need to be determined.
- When a criminal or civil case requires an independent medical examination in order to determine negligence.
- I.O.D, Known as injury on duty is a lengthy topic you can read more about this here...
The Medico-legal Process
Once a thorough records review has taken place, the Medical-Lefal process of a qualified medical evaluator will order any necessary diagnostic testing and perform a physical examination. These reports address any special factors or labor codes that may apply to the case and specifically answer any questions raised by both parties to the case. Their findings will be included in a non-biased, fact-based report that can then be submitted as evidence in a court of law.
Finding the rite Doctor
Finding the right doctor or a specialist for your foot and ankle claim you might think is easy. You might say, the word ‘specialist’ implies that the professional is an expert on the subject matter. But finding someone qualified to speak or write a report on the topic may not be so easy.
Ask Questions
When asking a foot and ankle specialist about their practice ask questions, the key is to presume that you know nothing about them. They may have incredible credentials and credentials, but you must cut through the hype and try and determine if they can assist you properly. How much have they studied the particular illness or injury that you’re interested in? How many patients have they seen? How involved are they in workers’ compensation claims?
Call Upon Their References
It is important to call upon their references. Even the best foot and ankle specialists will be of no use to you if you cannot rely on them. A true ‘expert’ does more than just understand the nature of foot and ankle injuries. They also need to be punctual, professional, and reliable and write a good report on which your case must be built. Checking on the work ethic and business practices of the foot and ankle specialist can give you peace of mind that you’ll be able to hit your deadlines.
Evaluate Their Answers
If the specialist is not good at communicating the results of their examination, then it is possible their report will only confuse matters rather than clarify them you must evaluate their answers. The details of an assessment evaluation need to be organized and structured in such a way where other professionals can understand them — sometimes professionals with little to no knowledge of a specific injury or illness.
It may be time-consuming, but asking the right questions and doing the research is the only way to see a clear pattern emerge among the different specialists you may be considering.
Legal Aid:
More information regarding Legal aid can be found here…